Monday 3 May 2010


The real meaning of "Marketing" is the process by which companies determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales. So you can see marketing is the way use for making benefit for your business.

It along with making the brand, appeasing customers, service after selling, promotion ,etc. This many thing I said it is the way to make a good marketing for general business.

To sum up, marketing is important for who has a business. And it will give you income more than who doesn't do about marketing.

The Value Of The Summary Exercise To Each Person.

Newspapers, it has many useful and modern information. So you can be a clever and modern man by reading newspapers.

But, if you exchange information that you have read already. It will be useful more than you read alone. Because some news maybe you can't see it in your newspapers brand.

Absolutely, don't worry about you will be old fashion man. Because newspapers never sleep.